"The United States declared War on Great Britain on June 12, 1812. The war was declared as a result of long simmering disputes with Great Britian."  http://www.historycentral.com/1812/declares.html

Taken from a booklet named "War of 1812 soldiers buried in Union County", on display (and available for sale I believe) at the Union County Historical Society, Lewisburg PA.

Lewis Aikey
b. 1/12/1789 d. 4/22/1862
in Col. Weiricks Regt. A Private.

NARA Resources on the war of 1812 http://www.archives.gov/research/military/war-of-1812.html


Roll of Captain John Bergstresser's Company.
Pay-roll Union county company of militia, attached to the
regiment commanded by Lieutenant Colonel George Weirick, Marcus Hook, November 18, 1814.
Captain - Bergstresser, John.
Lieutenant - Fisher, Thomas.
Ensign - Noll, Henry.
Sergeants - Silsby, Uriah; Reedy, Philip; Gillaspy, John;
Rengler, Daniel; Merwine, Samuel; Sargint, John; Clingan, George.
Corporals - Nevyus, William; Vartz, John; McCorley, Jacob;
Lutz, John.
Privates - Aikey, Lewis; Anderson, James H.; Baldy, Benjamin;
Bellman, George; Bennage, Samuel; Bennett, John; Bidleman, Abraham;
Bower, William; Bower, George; Bower, John; Campbell, William; Campbell,
John; Campbell, Joseph; Clarke, Joseph; Clark, Flavel; Clark, Francis;
Clark, William; Darraugh, John; Dempsey, Jonathan; Darsham, Ludwig;
Diefenderfer, Philip; Egburd, Jesse; Flickingner, Charles; Frederick,
Peter; Frederick, Jacob; Frederick, Samuel; Gilman, Jacob; Goodlander,
Paul; Hufford, John; Heiser, Frederick, discharged October 2;
Herrendon, William; Housel, Joshua; Hubler, Jacob; Irwin, John; Irvin,
William; Jamison, John; Jodun, William; Jodun, Benjamin; Johnston,
Thomas; Jones, John; Kaufman, Jacob; Kelly, Andrew, discharged
October 28; Kimmell, Adam; Kunts, Daniel; Kline, Abram; Kline, George;
Lilley, Peter, discharged October 3; Lutz, Samuel; McClure, Richard;
McGuire, Richard; McKinley, Hugh, McLaughlin, James; Maughamer,
Daniel; Magee, James; Mizener, John; Mengel, George; Mowry, Peter;
Myers, Peter; Moyer, Henry; Quinn, Michael; Rees, John; Ranck,
Jonathan; Rorabough, Christopher; Rorabough, Philip; Rose, Adam;
Shaffer, Daniel; Shaffer, Henry, substitute for John Hummel; Sheckler,
Jonas; Sheckler, Simon; Smith, Jonathan; Smith, Adam; Steel, Richard;
Steel, David; Stoner, Daniel; Strickland, Samuel; Struble, Peter;
Sypher, Jacob; Vanderhoof, Henry; Vanderhoof, William; Vanhorn,
William; Vanhorn, Abram; Wallace, James; Walters, John; Welch,
Nicholas; Williamson, Gideon; Wilson, Thomas, Wilson, Samuel; Young,
Abraham; Zearphus, George, (Sarphus.)

From - page 424 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1814. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/pa/union/lynntoc.htm



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Researcher - Heather Truckenmiller - htruck@alltel.net

Researching: Truckenmiller, Sulouff, Brown, Smith, Confer, Forney, Lumbard, Ridge, Oberdorf, Aikey
