Lewis Aikey In the Civil War
The 51st Regiment of Pennsylvania
American Civil War Soldiers
Record about Lewis Aikey
Name: Lewis Aikey ,
Enlistment Date: 15 October 1862
Distinguished Service: DISTINGUISHED SERVICE
Side Served: Union
State Served: Pennsylvania
Unit Numbers: 2302 2302
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 15 October 1862
Enlisted in Company K, 51st Infantry Regiment Pennsylvania on 15 October 1862.
Mustered out Company K, 51st Infantry Regiment Pennsylvania on 27 July 1865 in Alexandria, VA
Source Information:
Historical Data Systems, comp. Military Records of Individual Civil War Soldiers. [database
online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 1999-. Data compiled by Historical Data
Systems of Kingston, MA from the following list of works.
Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 - Historical Data Systems Inc.P.O. Box 196
Kingston, MA 02364
Research Notes:
"Five other companies from Union County responded to the appeal for fresh recruits after the First Battle of Bull Run. More than 500 hundred men were organized into Companies E, H, and K, of the 51st Regiment, Company D of the 52nd, and Company E of the 53rd. Many of those who formed the 51st had been part of Company G, the first unit to leave for the war. Based on that service, some received a promotion in rank. Company E, the Shriner Guards, was under the direction of Captains G. H. Hassenplug and William R. Foster, and First Lieutenants Francis R. Frey and John A. Morris (attended University of Lewisburg, Class of 1860).
Company H, the Linn Rifles, was commanded by Captain J. Merrill Linn, and First Lieutenant George Shorkley. The officers of Company K, the Walls Guards, were Captain George P. Carman, and First Lieutenants Josiah Kelley and John B. Linn. Commanded by Colonel John F. Hartranft, the 51st saw more action than any other local regiment, traveling a total of 10,438 miles to fight in 20 battles. " http://www.isr.bucknell.edu/Collections_and_Borrowing/Special_Collections_University_Archives/Union_County_History/uccivilwarh.html
Company K
Parker, Thomas H., Captain, 51st Pa. Infantry. History of the 51st Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers and Veteran Volunteers, Philadelphia: King & Baird, printers, 1869.
Sauers, Richard A. (ED.) The Civil War Journal of Colonel Bolton: 51st Pennsylvania, April 20, 1861-August 2, 1865. Cambridge, MA 02141: Da Capo Press, Perseus Books Group, 2000. $9.95
The 51st Regiment of Company K
Recruited at Union and Northampton Counties; three years service; mustered in 11/12/1861 and if not, first date is muster-in date; mustered out with company July 27, 1865 unless otherwise stated; when mustered out on expiration of term, date is November 12, 1864; rank of Private unless otherwise stated; G.O. is mustered out by General Order; S.C. is discharged on Surgeon's Certificate:
Capt George P. Carman; term
Capt William S. Mellick; wounded 11/16/1863 Campbell's Station; vet
Capt John E. Titus; resigned 9/10/1862
1st Lt Jacob Fryberger; discharged 10/3/1864 for wounds received 1/18 Petersburg; vet
1st Lt Jacob Hawk; vet
1st Lt Josiah Kelly; resigned 7/25/1862
1st Lt John B. Linn; 9/29/1862; resigned 3/9/1863
2nd Lt J. Franklin Beale; resigned 12/28/1861; recommissioned 9/29/1862; resigned 4/7/1864
2nd Lt Frank B. Stermer; wounded 11/16/1863 Campbell's Station; killed 5/12/1864 Spotsylvania
2nd Lt John Vanlew; vet
1st Sgt Daniel W. Eichman; vet
Sgt Uriah F. Dean; vet
Sgt John C. Dittler; 2/1/1864; vet
Sgt James Gibson; killed 7/30/1864 Petersburg; vet
Sgt Theodore Moser; vet
Sgt Franklin S. Moyer; died 6/16/1864 of wounds received 5/12 Spotsylvania; buried Arlington; vet
Sgt Thomas C. Pierce; killed 6/17/1864 Petersburg; vet
Sgt George H. Sherry; 2/26/1864
Sgt Albert Snyder; died of wounds received 9/17/1862 Antietam
Cpl James Barnhart; 2/3/1864; vet
Cpl Richard Berryman; 2/27/1864
Cpl William Buoy; died of wounds received at Cold Harbor
Cpl Christopher E. Cole; 2/26/1864; vet
Cpl Jacob F. Cole; 2/22/1864
Cpl Henry G. Dentler; captured; died 5/17/1864 Andersonville
Cpl Thomas Foster; killed 8/19/1864 Yellow Tavern; vet
Cpl John P. Huber; S.C. 3/18/1865; vet
Cpl Francis Ludwig; 2/25/1864
Cpl Theodore Odenwelder; wounded 5/6/1864 Wilderness; absent at muster-out; vet
Cpl Nicholas Reinhart; 2/26/1864
Cpl Philip Richards; term
Cpl David Shingle; killed 6/3/1864 Cold Harbor; vet
Cpl John Sutton; G.O. 5/11/1865; vet
Cpl Daniel Troxell; US Army Regulars 10/27/1862
Cpl Francis Troxell; vet
Cpl Jacob Troxell; killed 7/7/1864 Petersburg; vet
Musician Montgomery S. Adams; vet
Musician Philip Bratton; 10/28/1861; mustered out 11/16/1864, term
Musician William D. Ritter; vet
Lewis Aikey; 10/15/1862
Zachariah Aikey; 2/22/1864
Benjamin P. Allen; 3/29/1865; G.O. 3/15/1865
Solomon K. Anderson; 3/2/1864; drafted
Thomas J. Arbuckle; captured; died date unknown
Amandus Atlee; 3/28/1862; G.O. 6/1/1865
Jacob Augenstein; 3/25/1865; substitute
Joseph Babcock; 2/27/1864; absent sick at muster-out; vet
Absalom Baldwin; 2/8/1865; captured; died 9/24/1864 Andersonville
Daniel Benfer; 10/11/1862; S.C. 1/12/1865
Franklin Bentley; 2/3/1864; discharged 2/25/1865
John Betzer; 2/8/1864
Wayne Bonnell; deserted 6/16/1865
George W. Bostain; S.C. date unknown
Jacob Bower; substitute; deserted 7/11/1865
Martin Bower; US Army 10/27/1862
William D. Bower; 2/8/1864
Abraham Burns; US Army 10/27/1862
George Buss; wounded and captured at Knoxville; term
Jacob Cliner; Vet Res Corps date unknown
Matthew B. Covey; 2/24/1864
John T. Cox; 2/8/1864
Lemuel J. Crossgrove; term
Samuel Crossgrove; vet
Henry A. Daly; US Army 10/27/1862
Thomas T. Depo; Vet Res Corps 1863
Alexander Diebler; 3/23/1864; captured 5/27/1864 North Anna; absent at muster-out
Franklin F. Duck; 11/15/1862; captured 8/21/1864 Weldon Railroad; absent at muster-out
George N. Dull; 2/1/1864; died 9/19/1864 Alexandria
John Eckley; 9/27/1864; drafted; G.O. 6/11/1865
Henry Edwards; drafted; deserted 6/1/1865
John Eickner; 3/23/1865; drafted
John Fangford; 2/22/1864; wounded 5/6/1864 Wilderness; absent at muster-out
George Fisher; 3/1865; not on muster-out roll
Thomas T. Fisher; died 1/12/1862 Annapolis
John F. Foley; substitute; deserted 5/23/1865
Jacob Fortner; discharged 1862 for wounds received 9/17/1862 Antietam
Alpheus Frey; deserted 5/5/1864; vet
Daniel Fritz; 2/27/1864
John Fritz; 2/27/1864; G.O. 6/11/1865
Frederick Futchey; 3/31/1864
James C. Gallagher; MIA Second Bull Run
James S. Garret; 2/26/1864; captured; died 8/19/1864 Andersonville
Henry Gangeer; 2/25/1864; vet
John Geddes; deserted 8/1862
William Griner; S.C. 1862
Franklin T. Grube; 2/19/1864; G.O. 5/12/1865
Nathan M. Hahn; 10/14/1862; G.O. 5/11/1865
Martin K. Hann
; prisoner at Andersonville; exchanged 4/15/1865John Harris; 2/22/1864; died 6/30/1864 of wounds received 6/17 Petersburg
John F. Hemperly; 2/25/1864
Isaiah Henry; 10/14/1862
Daniel Herzog; 2/25/1864
John Hickernal; US Army 10/27/1862
John Hoffman; 3/29/1864
Edward Hold; Vet Res Corps date unknown
George V. Holden; discharged 8/12/1863
Charles Hoover; 2/22/1864; died 11/12/1864 New York NY
Daniel Hoover; 2/22/1864; died 6/27/1864 of wounds received 6/17 Petersburg
Peter Houselman; 3/7/1864
Henry Houtz; 3/7/1864
Christian Hummel; died 6/1862 Newbern NC
Jesse Huntzberger; 3/2/1865; drafted
Charles Kaiser; S. C.date unknown
Xavier Kauffman; 3/25/1865; substitute
John Kemmell; Vet Res Corps date unknown
Charles Kinney; 9/13/1864; G.O. 6/13/1865
William M. Kinney; 9/3/1864; died 10/27/1864 City Point VA
Jacob Kramer; 2/3/1865
William K. Krites; 1/29/1863
Alfred Kuntz; 2/27/1864; captured; died 11/5/1864 Salisbury
William R. Logan; 2/17/1864; vet
Henry Lorah; 3/23/1865; drafted; G.O. 7/10/1865
James Ludwig; 1/30/1864; captured 5/12/1864 Spotsylvania; absent at muster-out
Philip J. Mann; 3/29/1864; G.O. 6/2/1865
James Marr; 2/26/1864; absent sick at muster-out
Howard Matley; 9/27/1864; drafted; absent sick at muster-out
Anthony McBride; substitute; deserted 4/5/1865
Paul McBride; discharged 12/1862 for wounds received 9/17 Antietam
H.L. McMullin; 9/27/1864; drafted; G.O. 6/1/1865
William S. Meylert; 2/8/1864; G.O. 6/23/1865
Nicholas Miller; substitute; deserted 4/5/1865
David Mills; term
Joseph G. Moore; 2/22/1864; Vet Res Corps 6/10/1865
James E. Morgan; 3/7/1865; drafted
Charles Morse; substitute; deserted 4/5/1865
Jacob Neifert; 3/23/1865; drafted
James O'Neil; 11/15/1864; substitute
Daniel G. Ocker
Raleigh Paege; 10/15/1864; substitute
Edward H. Patterson; killed 12/1/1863 siege of Knoxville while doing duty as houseburner
Joseph M. Poeth; 2/17/1864; G.O. 7/11/1865
William Poust; 2/17/1864; died 9/10/1864 of wounds received 8/19 Yellow Tavern
Alonzo Proof; 2/26/1864
Benjamin Rank; 2/22/1864; wounded 6/3/1864 Cold Harbor; absent at muster-out
John Rank; 2/15/1864; died 5/14/1864 of wounds received 5/12 Spotsylvania
Samuel Rank; 2/15/1864; G.O. 5/3/1865
Francis Reedy; deserted 2/1864
John Lee Reese; 2/11/1864
David Reichley; 10/14/1862; G.O. 5/17/1865
John Reifsnyder; 3/23/1865; drafted
William Reifsnyder; term
Solomon Reish; 2/22/1864; captured 8/21/1864 Weldon Railroad; absent at muster-out
Edward H. Richards; 2/5/1864; died 9/10/1864 of wounds received 8/19 Yellow Tavern
Erwin Richards; discharged 1/1863 for wounds received 9/17/1862 Antietam
Philip Richards; term
Benjamin Rider; 2/26/1864
George S. Riter; 3/25/1865; drafted
John Ritter; 3/7/1865; drafted
Henry Robb; 10/15/1864; substitute
Andrew Robinson; 3/27/1865; substitute
Edward Rosenberger; 1/31/1865
David Rossman; 2/26/1864
Benjamin F. Roush; 2/26/1864; S.C. 2/10/1865
Samuel Royer; term
William T. Rundio; S.C. 9/1862
James Ryan; deserted 4/5/1865
Joseph Sarba; term
Daniel Scheeks; died 7/1864 of wounds received at Petersburg
Chris. Scheeks; killed 8/19/1864 Yellow Tavern
Paul F. Schenck; 3/23/1865; drafted
Alfred Schilling; 2/22/1864; wounded 5/6/1864 Wilderness; absent at muster-out
Peter Schlegel; 3/25/1865; drafted
Frederick Schwep; killed 5/6/1864 Wilderness; vet
William Search; discharged by sentence of G.C.M. 2/15/1865
George S. Shafer; 2/26/1864; died 3/18/1864 Harrisburg
Thomas C. Shafer; 2/23/1864; G.O. 7/15/1865
Robert B. Shaw; 10/15/1864; substitute
Michael Shires; term
Henry C. Showers; 2/12/1864; G.O. 6/27/1865
Lewis Singer; Vet Res Corps date unknown
John Snyder; 3/25/1865; drafted
Ephraim Souder; term
Abram C. Southard; 3/3/1865; drafted; G.O. 6/26/1865
Jacob P. Springer; 3/3/1865; drafted
David C. Stees; 2/26/1864
Edmund Steinberger; 3/25/1865; drafted
Samuel G. Stidinger; term
William M. Stutzman; 2/22/1864; wounded in action 7/10/1864
Cline Summers; discharged by sentence of G.C.M. 2/15/1865
Thomas Swagers; drafted; G.O. 6/1/1865
Joseph C. Taylor; 3/7/1865; drafted
William M. Trutt; 2/8/1864
Lyman B. Turner; not on muster-out roll
John T. Twigg; 9/27/1864; drafted; G.O. 6/1/1865
Nathaniel Vancuran; 2/25/1864; wounded in action 6/16/1864; absent at muster-out
William H. Vogel; vet
Augustus Wagner; 3/23/1865; drafted
Charles Walker; 3/25/1865; drafted
John Watts; not on muster-out roll
Robert Wertz; 10/22/1863; G.O. 5/22/1865
John Widdell; 10/21/1862; died 10/26/1864 of wounds received 6/3 Cold Harbor
Charles W. Willet; 2/29/1864; killed 5/12/1864 Spotsylvania
William Wilson; 10/15/1864; substitute
John Winegarden; 2/8/1864; wounded in action 6/6/1864; absent at muster-out; vet
William Yates; 7/9/1862; wounded 9/17/1862 Antietam; absent at muster-out
Tobias Yearick; S.C. 10/1863
Seneca Yoder; 3/25/1865; drafted
Alfred Yohl; 2/25/1865; captured; died 10/26/1864 Salisbury
History of the 51st Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, Thomas H. Parker; Philadelphia, 1869.
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Researcher - Heather Truckenmiller - htruck@alltel.net
Researching: Truckenmiller, Sulouff, Brown, Smith, Confer, Forney, Lumbard, Ridge, Oberdorf, Aikey